Dissecting the Case for Police Abolition | June 2020
Here I explore policing policy reform's effectiveness, and what abolition means to me in light of the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement.
Policy Memo on Environmental Racism | April 2020
Structural racism has enabled policies and practices that drive disproportionate cumulative impact of pollution and toxic emissions on low-income communities of Black and LatinX people. I outline a few root causes, evaluate policy alternatives to the status quo, and present a recommendation.
Written under Robert Reich's Wealth and Poverty course at UC Berkeley.
Policy Memo on Wealth and Income Inequality | February 2020
Wealth is concentrated in the top quintile of US citizens, and economic mobility is falling. I look at some of the key drivers of poverty and explain why it will continue to grow.
Written under Robert Reich's Wealth and Poverty course at UC Berkeley.
follow my art instagram @cliudles for more